Fresh – Bridge House
14th September 2023
Our team embarked on another exciting adventure to Bridge House, the student accommodation managed by This is Fresh. Once again, we immersed ourselves in the vibrant student community, spending the day engaging with students through interactive games and offering essential university goodies as prizes!
The Big Reveal: Unmasking Bridge House Accommodation
It was an enriching experience to connect with students from diverse corners of the globe who had chosen Glasgow as the backdrop for their academic journey. Sharing our wealth of knowledge about life in Glasgow, we provided valuable insights on how to effortlessly integrate into this dynamic city. Our goal was to not only make their transition smoother but also to create a sense of friendship and support.
Bridge House is definitely Instagrammable!
In the age of filters and hashtags, an average day just won’t cut the mustard. And at Bridge House, we scoff at mediocrity. Instead, we opened our Insta-worthy abode to the wide-eyed wonderment of our international guests. After all, this isn’t just one of Glasgow’s best-kept secret, it’s perfect for the ‘ social media world! From the tastefully mismatched throw pillows to the modern building itself- each corner a postcard waiting to be snapped, each room a story waiting to be told.
Taking a stroll around, one can’t help but imagine the flurry of ‘likes’ and ‘loves’ these pictures would garner! Like bees to honey, we ushered our eager visitors towards our vibrant website – a treasure chest brimming with hot city tips and cool events. And let’s not forget the WeChat group – our virtual hangout, tailor-made for our international students. Here, they can chit-chat, plan shenanigans, and foster that ever-so-essential sense of belonging. So, all aboard the social media express – next stop, Bridge House. All you need to pack is your sense of adventure and a hearty appetite for Instagram glory. After all, who said studying abroad couldn’t be a viral sensation?
The Power of Online Connection
Joining the Fresh Bridge tribe is not just about snuggling up in luxury digs, it’s about linking arms (digitally, of course) with a global community of international students. Our social media platforms and our website serve as a virtual treehouse, a digital gathering place to swap stories, share laughs, and spread the Fresh Bridge magic. We’re not merely an accommodation, darling. We’re a virtual village, an online Oasis. Yes, we’re the stuff of digital dreams. So, log in, plug in, join in. We’re here, building a bridge of online connections. So, forget building bridges in the conventional sense, who needs cement and bricks when you can have fibre optics and Wi-Fi signals?
Tales and Top Tips
Who said, ‘all work and no play’? We had a giggle-fest with students, swapping tales and sharing top tips on how to tickle Glasgow’s funny bone. Plus, we revealed our jazzy website’s event-filled calendar – now that’s what you call a digital party popper! We’ve got fun by the bucket load, and it’s all up for grabs, freebies galore. The only rule? Leave your boredom at the door. After all Banana Monkey is where the fun’s at!